Un invernadero (o invernáculo)
es una construcción de vidrio o plástico en la que se cultivan plantas, a mayor temperatura que en el exterior. En la jardinería antigua española, el invernadero se llamaba estufa fría.
Aprovecha el efecto producido por la radiación solar que, al atravesar un vidrio u otro material traslúcido, calienta los objetos que hay detrás; estos, a su vez, emiten radiación con una longitud de onda mayor que la solar (radiación infrarroja). El cristal usado para un invernadero trabaja como medio selectivo de la transmisión para diversas frecuencias espectrales, y su efecto es atrapar energía dentro del invernadero, que calienta el ambiente interior. Esto puede ser demostrada abriendo una ventana pequeña cerca de la azotea de un invernadero: la temperatura cae considerablemente (Fuente: Wikipedia)
A greenhouse (also called a glasshouse)
It is a building or complex in which plants are grown. These structures range in size from small sheds to industrial-sized buildings. A miniature greenhouse is known as a cold frame.
Commercial glass greenhouses are often high tech production facilities for vegetables or flowers. The glass greenhouses are filled with equipment like screening installations, heating, cooling, lighting and also may be automatically controlled by a computer to maximize potential growth.
A greenhouse is a structural building with different types of covering materials, such as a glass or plastic roof and frequently glass or plastic walls; it heats up because incoming visible sunshine is absorbed inside the structure. Air warmed by the heat from warmed interior surfaces is retained in the building by the roof and wall; the air that is warmed near the ground is prevented from rising indefinitely and flowing away. (Source: Wikipedia)
Foto de Invernadero hidropónico
Picture of a Hydroponic greenhouse
Foto o imagen de invernadero con cultivo hidropónico de raíz flotante en tubos de PVC
Picture of a greenhouse with PVC pipe floating root hydroponic lettuce
Picture of a greenhouse with PVC pipe floating root hydroponic lettuce
Foto o imagen de invernadero con cultivo hidropónico en manga vertical
Picture of a greenhouse with vertical sleeve hydroponic system
Picture of a greenhouse with vertical sleeve hydroponic system
Foto o imagen de invernadero con cultivo hidropónico en mesas de madera forrada con plástico
Picture of a greenhouse with plastic covered wooden tables with hydroponic lettuce
Picture of a greenhouse with plastic covered wooden tables with hydroponic lettuce
Foto o imagen de invernadero con cultivo hidropónico en mangas verticales.
Picture of a greenhouse with plastic bag vertical sleeves for hydroponics
Picture of a greenhouse with plastic bag vertical sleeves for hydroponics
Foto o imagen de invernadero con cultivo hidropónico en mesas de madera
Picture of a greenhouse with wooden tables with hydroponic culture
Picture of a greenhouse with wooden tables with hydroponic culture
Foto o imagen de invernadero con bandejas de cultivo hidropónico sobre el suelo
Picture of a greenhouse with trays of hydroponic culture placed directly over the soil
Picture of a greenhouse with trays of hydroponic culture placed directly over the soil
Foto o imagen de invernadero con mesas de madera cubiertas de plástico en espera del sustrato de cultivo hidropónico
Picture of a greenhouse with plastic covered wooden trays for hydroponic culture before adding culture media
Picture of a greenhouse with plastic covered wooden trays for hydroponic culture before adding culture media
Ver más imágenes y fotos de hidroponía, cultivos, forraje, contenedores, sistemas, etc.
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